Marx for Cats
A COMMA and Medieval Literatures Discussion
3:00 - 5:00PM
Reading Group

You are cordially invited to attend a special COMMA Reading Group, cosponsored by the Medieval Literatures Center, meeting this Friday, March 15 @ 3:00 PM, in South Hall 2623 (Sankey Room).
Please join us for a discussion of selections from Leigh Claire La Berge’s 2023 book, Marx for Cats: A Radical Bestiary. We will be reading Chapter 1, “Lion Kings,” and Chapter 8, “Black Panthers.” The entire book is available for download through JSTOR and the UCSB library.
Please feel free to forward to your colleagues. We would be delighted if you joined us for the conversation. For more details and other questions, please contact Leila Stegemoeller,
Research Center Affiliations
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