COMMA Reading Group
Calvino, Fourier, and Utopian Socialism
3:00 - 5:00PM
Reading Group

You are cordially invited to attend the COMMA Reading Group meeting this Friday, April 19 @ 3:00 PM, in South Hall 2623 (Sankey Room).
Please join us for a discussion of utopian socialism through Italo Calvino’s 1971 introduction to Charles Fourier’s 1808 Theory of Four Movements. We will also discuss Fourier’s writing on education, and – while the Fourier and Calvino will be our focus, we may refer to the Guy Davenport story based on Fourier’s work.
Please feel free to forward to your colleagues. We would be delighted if you joined us for the conversation. For more details and a PDF of the readings, please contact Leila Stegemoeller,
Research Center Affiliations
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