• Course Number: ENGL 65AA
  • Prerequisites:

    Open to non-majors. Course may be repeated twice providing the letter designations are different.

  • Advisory Enrollment Information:

    Check on GOLD.

  • Catalog Course Entry: ENGL 65AA
  • Quarter: Fall 2021

1st years add ENGL 65AA and Transfer students add ENGL 165AA.

This course welcomes Transfer Students and newly declared Majors to the English Department!  We know that a new environment can be challenging, especially given the current state of the world.  To help you find your way, this course introduces activities, resources, and guests through weekly seminars, so that you may learn the opportunities and possibilities offered by the English Department.  Guest speakers will share opportunities for involvement in the program (honors, creative writing, research experiences, and clubs), pathways through the major, interesting classes, and insights into the research environment at UCSB English.  By the end of the quarter, you will develop a clear picture of the opportunities you may pursue within the department and the major.  Our hope is that this seminar will also foster a sense of camaraderie, and that you will join an emerging peer community in English.  Welcome!


  • Schedule & Location
  • Day(s): mon wed
  • Time: 9:30 am–10:45 am
  • Location: KERR 2166B