Section 13. Useful Contacts for English Students
All numbers are area code 805:
- South Academic Support Center, Student Services (English advising), 893-7488 (web page)
- CLAS, 893-3269 (web page)
- College of Letters & Science (General advising), 893-2038 (web page)
- Career Services, 893-4412 (web page)
- Counseling Services, 893-4411 (web page)
- Education Abroad Program, 893-3763 (web page)
- Extended Learning Services, 893-4200 (web page)
- Graduate Division, 893-2277 (web page)
- Graduate School of Education, 893-2137 (web page)
- Teacher Education Program, 893-2084 (web page)
- Instructional Labs 893-4357 (web page)
- Library, 893-2478 (web page)
- Lost & Found, 893-3843
- Registrar 893-3592 (web page)
- Transcript Services, 893-3135
- UCEN Bookstore, 893-3271 (web page)