Visual Narrative
- Course Number: ENGL 147VN
- Prerequisites:
Check on GOLD.
- Advisory Enrollment Information:
Check on GOLD.
- Catalog Course Entry: ENGL 147AA-ZZ
- Quarter: Fall 2021
Visual Narrative considers the media history and theories of visual storytelling, with an emphasis on comics, graphic novels, webcomics, motion comics, and interactive comics. Unit topics include: Defining Visual Narrative, Sequential Art, Vocabularies of Style, Medium and Design, Visualization and Mapping, Interaction and Media Adaptation, and Remediating History. Example theoretical readings may include works such as The Medium is the Massage (McCluhan and Fiore), Exercises in Style (Queneau), 99 Ways to Tell a Story (Matt Madden), Understanding Comics (McCloud), and selected essays on information visualization, infographics, and maps by Tufte, Manovich, Lima, and others.