Please see the faculty and staff directories at the Department website for specific contact information for the positions described below.

11.1. The Chair of the English Department

The chair is responsible for overseeing both undergraduate and graduate education in English at UCSB.

11.2. The Chair of the Undergraduate Committee

The undergraduate chair is responsible for overseeing the undergraduate program and for steering the undergraduate committee.

11.3 The Undergraduate Committee

The chair of the undergraduate committee meets on a regular basis with appointed faculty members to discuss and administer the undergraduate program. The chair and the committee review recommendations made by the undergraduate staff advisor, and supervise student honors projects. Decisions concerning curriculum and general policies are taken to the chair of the department and the faculty for final approval.

11.4. The Undergraduate Staff Adviser

The undergraduate staff adviser answers questions of undergraduates regarding major requirements and registration, oversees the application process for independent studies and honors program, accepts petitions for substitution for major requirements, maintains student records, and performs progress checks in the major.  The staff advisor meets with new freshmen and transfer students to orient them to department services and their major requirements. You can see this adviser to talk about the graduate school application process and about careers for English majors.

The staff adviser consults with the faculty undergraduate chair and the undergraduate committee concerning all areas of the undergraduate program. This adviser holds daily walk-in advising hours, which you can find, posted on the department bulletin boards.  Appointments can be made by signing up at the front desk.