Section 12. Registration
Every graduate student must enroll each quarter in a minimum of 12.0 units, according to deadlines published in the Schedule of Classes. The enrollment process happens online (via GOLD), which includes registration for courses, payment of fees and all other outstanding financial obligations. Each step must be completed at a specific time or a $50 to $100 late fee will be assessed. Complete details of registration procedures are included in the registration packet. Before registering each quarter, continuing students should fill out progress reports, including their schedules for the next quarter, and meet with their advisors to discuss progress to date and future plans, and to obtain their advisor’s approval. These reports go to the Staff Graduate Advisor.
12.1. Schedule Adjustment
After enrollment, students may adjust class schedules, up to certain deadlines, by adding and/or dropping classes and changing grading options. Changes are made through Gaucho On-Line Data (GOLD). During the first week of classes, students are allowed to adjust their schedule without paying a fee. After this week, $3 is charged for each change.