William and Marjorie Frost Memorial Award: Essay Contest
This award is given each year in memory of William Frost, an UCSB English professor from 1951-1988, who was a renowned scholar and editor of the works of John Dryden, and in memory of his wife Majorie Pangburn Frost, who was a noted artist and civil rights activist.
UCSB Submission Guidelines
The recipient of this award will be judged upon their submitted critical or scholarly essay and upon their demonstrated academic excellence. This contest is open only to UCSB English majors who are seniors or at the upper-division level for the current academic year. All entries must be endorsed by an UCSB English faculty member, with whom the applicant is encouraged to confer regarding the essay to be submitted. The essay should be approximately 10 pages. It can either be a new work or from a course submission. Only one submission per student. Each submission must be accompanied by a completed entry form which will be made available in the office of the Department of English, South Hall room 3432, when the current year’s contest is announced. The submission deadline is customarily in April. Please see the calendar for the exact date.
Entry Forms
Download PDF:
Application Form (2022) (210.86 KB)