Section 8. Library Resources
Knowing how to use the resources of the library is an important part of a successful undergraduate program. As early as possible, learn how to find and use books, periodicals, and reference materials.
The library offers many special services, almost all of which are free:
- Library Tours: At the beginning of each quarter, short library tours are given by reference librarians. This is an excellent way to quickly familiarize yourself with the main services of the library.
- Reference Desk: On the second floor just beyond the main stairs is the Reference Desk, almost always staffed by reference librarians who will help you with any question about your use of the library. They can direct you to special reference books or to sections of the library that will be especially helpful to you.
- Melvyl Demonstrations: Short introductions to Melvyl, the on-line computer catalog, are given throughout the school year. In addition, you can ask a reference librarian for help at any time.
8.1 Classes in Library Skills
Taught by librarians, these classes, which can be taken only P/NP, will quickly teach you how to be a sophisticated user of library resources.
- Interdisciplinary Studies 1: Introduction to Library Research. This course is designed to assist entering students in learning to use essential facilities and resources of the library. Classwork emphasizes applied experience with finding and evaluating information, especially through use of library catalogs, journal indexes, and Internet resources.
- Interdisciplinary Studies 100AA-ZZ: Topics in Advanced Library Research (Bibliography). Students critically examine the complex range of research tools within a specified area. A critically annotated and extensive bibliography is a central course requirement. The course is recommended for students concurrently registered in any course that has a research project requirement, such as English 197: Upper Division Seminar. It is also strongly recommended for anyone considering graduate studies.