Bestsellers and masterpieces
The changing medieval canon
- Edited by Heather Blurton, with Dwight F. Reynolds

Bestsellers and Masterpieces: The Changing Medieval Canon addresses the strange fact that, in both European and Middle Eastern medieval studies, those texts that we now study and teach as the most canonical representations of their era were in fact not popular or even widely read in their day. On the other hand, those texts that were popular, as evidenced by the extant manuscript record, are taught and studied with far less frequency. The book provides cross-cultural insight into both the literary tastes of the medieval period and the literary and political forces behind the creation of the ‘modern canon’ of medieval literature
Citation Information
- Full Title: Bestsellers and Masterpieces: The Changing Medieval Canon
- Series: Manchester Medieval Literature and Culture
- Publisher: Manchester University Press
- Publication Date: 2022
- Publisher Website: Link